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Family Navigation (REACH)


Trauma and toxic stress in children experiencing homelessness can result in neural changes that play a role in poor lifetime health and economic and social outcomes. Lack of early identification and intervention that builds resilience and mitigates trauma decreases their ability to thrive. To counter the impact of homelessness, Passage Home created REACH.


Who We Serve

Services are provided for children ages 0-18 and expectant mothers living near or below the poverty level in Wake County.


What We Do

-Assess for developmental and socio-emotional concerns through screenings and psychosocial assessments.

-Connect clients to community resources that provide the support they need.

-Assess the child after intervention and work with the family and parents to understand the impact of the initial connection.

-Communicate with community partners the services provided to the family to decrease duplication and provide comprehensive services.

“REACH helps with mental health, development and schooling. They were there for me and my family and I’ve seen positive change since I started working with them. They helped me with mental health therapy and medication management. They also helped with bus passes to transport my family. They help set up my children for success and they know that mental health is important for my children’s home life and their future.”Tonya–Mother of Two

Announcement: Passage Home does not take direct self referrals for housing assistance. If you need housing assistance, please see this flyer for details regarding coordinated entry locations that can do intake and make referrals to agencies who have capacity and are a good fit for your needs.

Thank you for your patience as we strive to address the needs of our clients during a time of increased demand for housing services across Wake County. 

We are currently able to do direct referral assessments for our REACH program. If you are interested in learning if this program is a fit for you, contact us at or 919-834-0666.

Download COC Flyer Here